Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A hike and a picnic.

I think one of my new goals in life may be to eat as many meals outside as possible. This weekend we accomplished that by eating four meals outside, two of them as picnics on Sunday.
Living the good life.
Barren trees. A sign that we do actually have seasons here in San Diego.
We did this same hike last year in March, and it was so different this time with the warm winter we've been having. There is a little creek that runs along the trail, but it was completely dried up this time. There is a little waterfall at the end, which was completely dry. This time the trees were barren. While we liked it all the same, I would recommend this hike in the spring or after a good rainfall like we're experiencing today.

Isn't winter in southern California a funny thing? One day you are having two picnics in 75 degree weather, wearing a tank top and shorts, and two days later it is in the 50s and raining. Got to love it.

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