"Mom and Dad, I see the moon," my little trick or treating astronaut said, as he pointed up to the sky. Halloween was awe inspiring this year through the eyes of our three year old.
Throughout the night while we were trick or treating and passing out candy, Everett kept saying, "I love our neighborhood so much. We have the bestest neighbors ever."
Halloween happened in the midst of our kids passing fevers back and forth to each other, so we weren’t sure how the day would go, but they rallied (which is probably why they are both still sick a week later).
We made it to the pumpkin patch just in the nick of time on the last day it was open. We kept having to delay our trip due to illness, but Everett really wanted to go and it seemed like a rite of passage for Cambria, so I took two kind of sick kids, and we actually had a lot of fun. We watched the rides (after I bought tickets, Everett decided he didn't want to go on any rides); we played chase. Mostly, the kids just wanted to climb and sit on the pumpkins.
This year, we were an astronaut family as a tribute to Everett's love of space. For “school” on Halloween, our budding astronaut built mini rockets and launched them into space, which was equally fun for all of us. We added some other festive activities in the mix like bobbing for donuts in our backyard.
Finally, we ended the day trick or treating, passed out candy, and both kids were asleep by 7:00 pm.
It was the best Halloween I can ever remember. Every day since, Everett asks when we can go trick or treating again and he is already talking about what he wants his next costume to be. I have to say I share his sadness that we have to wait a whole year to do it all again.
Throughout the night while we were trick or treating and passing out candy, Everett kept saying, "I love our neighborhood so much. We have the bestest neighbors ever."
Halloween happened in the midst of our kids passing fevers back and forth to each other, so we weren’t sure how the day would go, but they rallied (which is probably why they are both still sick a week later).
We made it to the pumpkin patch just in the nick of time on the last day it was open. We kept having to delay our trip due to illness, but Everett really wanted to go and it seemed like a rite of passage for Cambria, so I took two kind of sick kids, and we actually had a lot of fun. We watched the rides (after I bought tickets, Everett decided he didn't want to go on any rides); we played chase. Mostly, the kids just wanted to climb and sit on the pumpkins.
This year, we were an astronaut family as a tribute to Everett's love of space. For “school” on Halloween, our budding astronaut built mini rockets and launched them into space, which was equally fun for all of us. We added some other festive activities in the mix like bobbing for donuts in our backyard.
Finally, we ended the day trick or treating, passed out candy, and both kids were asleep by 7:00 pm.
It was the best Halloween I can ever remember. Every day since, Everett asks when we can go trick or treating again and he is already talking about what he wants his next costume to be. I have to say I share his sadness that we have to wait a whole year to do it all again.

Bobbing for donuts:
Launching mini rockets (film canisters with water and Alka-Seltzer):
Trick or treating:
I gave them each a lollipop so they would sit on this chair together. I am not above bribery.
"We're going to the moon":
Our astronaut family:
Okay, now on to Thanksgiving!
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